Arete Software

Customized Portal Development

We specialize in creating attractive, user-friendly, content-rich, and highly immersive online experiences through custom B2B and B2C portals, aiming to maximize user engagement.

Our portals are robust and designed to handle traffic from hundreds of thousands of users daily, providing comprehensive information tailored to client requirements. The applications we build feature secure databases, allowing stakeholders to access customized data according to their specific needs.

MIS system for government clients

Arete Software has rich experience across diverse technologies and has been involved in creating world class, robust and highly scalable portals in the following areas:

Entrepreneurship Development Portal with Online, Offline, Android and SMS (GSM) Modules

Knowledge Management and Dissemination Portal

Maintenance and Development of Knowledge Portal

Information and Document Repository

Travel Portal

Job Portal

Matrimony Portal

HR Portal

Information and document repository
